Mr Jake Schapper
Lecturer (teaching focused) in Urban and Regional Planning in the School of Design and the Built Environment (SDBE) at Curtin University, Western Australia
Dr Anne Farren
Senior Lecturer in Design in the School of Design & the Built Environment at Curtin University, Western Australia
Language: English

Jin Zhang
Casual Academic mostly associated with Architecture in the School of Design and the Built Environment at Curtin University, Western Australia. He has engaged in numerous fieldwork projects and design competitions both locally and internationally. He is currently involved in teaching both Architecture and Urban Planning and is interested in guiding students to conduct design in a multi-disciplinary approach that can result in a much more socially sustainable and cohesive outcome
Wellbeing, Placemaking, Tactical urbanism
Professional direction
Urban design, Placemaking, Tactical urbanism, 3rd places
Topic Description
SITE - Richmond Quarter, East Fremantle Western Australia.
Richmond Quarter is a mixed use, Residential and Commercial apartment complex over 3 buildings and a Piazza in East Fremantle.
RQ includes 144 lots of 119 Residential apartments and the remaining as professional & hospitality business services including; Seashells short stay apartments and Sweetwater Rooftop Bar&Grill and many others.
The property is now 5 years old. The Piazza in between the 3 buildings is a considerable size, and underused predominantly due to the high winds that occur through the buildings throughout the year. The strata company, being the managers of Richmond Quarter would like to understand and manage the wind and create a vibrant engaging space for the community, owners, tenants and guests. This may include removal of existing structures; building of Garden beds, seating and play equipment. The student projects for this space have to be created/constructed in a way that fosters sustainable lifestyle choices.
Output results
Re-design Proposal, Digital animation of design concept,Mini programs, Promotional videos etc.
Research Phase (0911-0919)
- Site workshop (0911): Indigenous Awareness, Stakeholder consultation, Design development
-Share Documents
-Assignment of Tasks (collecting cases, reviewing and organizing documents)
-Review existing design documents and issue.
-What are the client/key stakeholder needs?
-What are the indigenous considerations? What are the relevant physical issues with the space? What are the considerations for space activation for wellbeing?
-What are the problems with current design?
Draft Design (0920-0922)
-What are the Design issues of Richmond Quarter? -Does the draft design have any communication value?
Intermediate Review (0923)
-Submit PPT and video according to the guidance
Finalizing the Design (0924-0928)
-Design plans for product-making or services -Produce related promotional videos
Final Submission(0929-0930) -Submit the Final PPT and Video
Final Review (1002)
-Report PPT and video according to the guidance
Richmond Quarter
Registration link

Jake Schapper,澳大利亚科廷大学设计与建筑环境学院城市与区域规划讲师(教学重点)
Dr Anne Farren,西澳大利亚科廷大学设计与建筑环境学院的设计高级讲师

Jin Zhang,澳大利亚科廷大学设计与建筑环境学院建筑系学者,他参与了许多本地和国际实地考察项目和设计竞赛。目前从事建筑和城市规划的教学,并有兴趣指导学生以多学科方法进行设计,从而产生更具社会可持续性和凝聚力的结果
里奇蒙镇包括144个土地版块119套住宅公寓,其余为专业或酒店式商业服务场所,包括:Seashells 短期住宿公寓,Sweetwater 屋顶酒吧和烧烤以及其他许多场所。
Richmond Quarter

On this website, we used some images from the internet. We didn’t manage to get permission from all the owners due to communication channels. We apologise to the owners of the pictures. These images were never used in any profitable way. Please contact us if you need to removed the images!