Tae Hong Park,美国普渡大学音乐系主任、副教授,国际计算机音乐协会理事
Paulo C.Chagas,美国加州大学河滨分校作曲教授,国际计算机音乐协会理事
工作坊(1):人工智能与艺术的融合: 声音和视觉设计的创新
Paulo C.Chagas,美国加州大学河滨分校作曲教授,国际计算机音乐协会理事
人工智能与艺术的融合: 人工智能与艺术的融合:声音与视觉设计的创新 "工作坊旨在探索人工智能与艺术创作之间的协同作用。本工作坊旨在深入探讨人工智能辅助声音设计和视觉艺术的前沿技术,让与会者全面了解如何利用人工智能来创新和改变创作过程。学员们将学习人工智能与音乐生成、声音设计和视觉媒体的结合,探索突破传统艺术形式界限的工具和方法。通过实践项目和合作会议,讲习班将鼓励实验和创造,使参与者能够创作出独特的、人工智能驱动的艺术作品。本工作坊的预期成果包括制作人工智能生成的艺术作品、开发互动装置,以及创建行业就绪的作品集。讲习班还将促进跨学科合作和对生态与技术问题的思考,为参与者在创意产业中获得竞争机会奠定基础。
人工智能与艺术的融合 "工作坊的目标: 声音和视觉设计的创新 "工作坊的目标是让学生掌握人工智能辅助声音和视觉设计的前沿技能,重点关注当代社会的相关主题,如技术自主和生态危机。学员们将亲身体验人工智能工具在音乐生成、声音设计和多媒体创作方面的应用,提高他们的技术水平和创新能力。工作坊旨在促进跨学科合作,鼓励学生将人工智能技术与传统艺术形式相结合。研修班结束时,学生们将开发出一套创新项目组合,为他们在创意产业中赢得竞争机会奠定基础。
1. 人工智能生成的艺术作品: 参与者将利用人工智能算法制作创新的声音和视觉艺术作品,展示人工智能在增强创意表达方面的潜力,同时反思技术自主性和生态危机。
2. 互动装置: 开发响应用户输入的交互式声音和视觉装置,展示人工智能在多媒体设计中的实际应用,并涉及生态和技术主题。
3. 合作项目: 创建将人工智能技术与传统艺术形式相结合的小组项目,促进团队合作和跨学科协作。
4. 行业准备作品集: 学生将为他们的人工智能辅助项目制作作品集,为他们将来在创意产业就业提供竞争优势。
5. 展示活动: 在最后的展示会上,学员们将展出自己完成的项目,接受行业专业人士和同行的反馈,并有可能获得相关行业的支持。
工作坊(2):人工智能与计算机音乐: 探索技术与创造力的交汇点
Rodrigo F. Cádiz,智利作曲家、研究员和工程师。
人工智能与计算机音乐 研讨会深入探讨了人工智能在音乐创作和作曲领域的变革潜力。学员们将探索如何利用人工智能作曲、分析和制作音乐,将人类创造力与机器学习算法相结合。研讨会将涵盖人工智能在音乐领域的各个方面,包括计算机音乐的历史、模糊逻辑、神经网络、计算创造力、人工智能驱动作曲的现状,以及与会者将使用自己选择的人工智能工具创作自己的音乐的实践环节。研讨会结束时,与会者将深刻理解人工智能如何拓展音乐的边界,为艺术表达提供新的机会。本工作坊适合对音乐与技术交汇感兴趣的音乐家、作曲家和技术专家参加。
1. 创作人工智能生成的原创音乐作品。
2. 开发融合人类和人工智能生成元素的合作作品
人工智能与机器学习 、编程基础、MaxMSP、Julia 或 Python、PyTorch、Jupyter Notebooks
飞书会议、MS Teams
ICMA AI Music Design Workshop Group
Mengjie Qi, Vice President of International Computer Music Association
Tae Hong Park, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Music, Purdue University, USA, Board Member, International Computer Music Association (ICMA)
Paulo C. Chagas, Professor of Composition, University of California, Riverside, USA, Board Member, International Computer Music Association
Language: Chinese / English
Instructing Institutions and Websites
Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
University of Art and Design Linz, Austria
Digital Fashion, Food Materia Medica, Knowledge Visualisation, Virtual Dress Design
Expected Output Content
product design, interaction design, film and animation, game design, fashion design, service design, music works
Topic Description
The rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has provided artists with more diversified creative approaches for innovative design and technology application. The AI Computer Music Design Workshop series of workshops will explore the stylistic characteristics of computer music in different types of creations and the multiple functions of computer music in industrial applications from a cross-disciplinary perspective, combining with the technology and platform of AI music.
This workshop is supported by the International Computer Music Association (ICMA), the earliest and most influential international academic organization in the field of computer music in the world, founded in 1974. It focuses on the development of computer music in terms of compositional techniques, creativity, and performance, and is committed to building a platform for exchange and collaboration among composers, engineers, scholars, and performers who are exploring the fusion of music and technology. The instructors of this workshop group are all members of the Association's Board of Directors, whose works have been exhibited at music festivals, art festivals and other events around the world, and will provide professional guidance to the participants, and work together to incubate creative works with artistic and industrial applications.
Registration link
Workshop (1):Fusion of AI and Art: Innovations in Sound and Visual Design
Paulo C. Chagas, Professor of Composition, University of California, Riverside, USA; Director, International Computer Music Association
Language: Chinese、English
Computer Music, AI, Sound Design, Visual Design
Topic Description
The workshop "Fusion of AI and Art: Innovations in Sound and Visual Design" is an exploration of the synergy between artificial intelligence and artistic creation. This workshop aims to delve into the cutting-edge techniques of AI-assisted sound design and visual arts, providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of how AI can be harnessed to innovate and transform creative processes. Participants will learn about the integration of AI in music generation, sound design, and visual media, exploring tools and methodologies that push the boundaries of traditional art forms. Through hands-on projects and collaborative sessions, the workshop will encourage experimentation and creativity, empowering participants to create unique, AI-driven artworks. The anticipated results from this workshop include the production of AI-generated artworks, development of interactive installations, and the creation of industry-ready portfolios. The workshop also fosters interdisciplinary collaboration and reflection on ecological and technological issues, positioning participants for competitive opportunities in the creative industries.
Workshop Objective:
Artificial Intelligence and the Arts” Workshop Objective: Innovation in Sound and Visual Design The objective of the ‘Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and the Arts’ is to equip students with cutting-edge skills in artificial intelligence-assisted sound and visual design, focusing on relevant themes in contemporary society, such as technological autonomy and ecological crisis. Participants will experience first-hand the application of AI tools in music generation, sound design and multimedia creation, enhancing their technical proficiency and innovation. The workshop aims to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and encourage students to combine AI technologies with traditional art forms. By the end of the workshop, students will have developed a portfolio of innovative projects that will provide them with a foundation for winning competitive opportunities in the creative industries.
Expected outcomes of the workshop:
1. AI-generated artworks: Participants will utilize AI algorithms to produce innovative sound and visual artworks that demonstrate the potential of AI to enhance creative expression, while reflecting on technological autonomy and ecological crises.
2. interactive installations: develop interactive sound and visual installations that respond to user input, demonstrating the practical application of AI in multimedia design and addressing ecological and technological themes. 3. collaborative projects: create collaborative projects that incorporate AI in multimedia design.
3. collaborative projects: create group projects that combine AI technologies with traditional art forms, promoting teamwork and interdisciplinary collaboration.
4. industry-ready portfolios: students will create portfolios for their AI-assisted projects, giving them a competitive edge for future employment in the creative industries.
5. Showcase: At the final showcase, students will exhibit their completed projects, receive feedback from industry professionals and peers, and potentially gain support from relevant industries.
Workshop result reference:
See links:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16eHZOd8oT-ItkPFh4G2i4Kleg8_N1vtQ?usp=sharing
Workshop (2):AI and Computer Music: Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Creativity
Rodrigo F. Cádiz,a Chilean composer,researcher, and engineer.
Language: Chinese、English
AI, Computer Music, Music Composition, Machine Learning, Creativity, Technology
Expected output
Interactive design, musical works
Topic Description
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Music The workshop delves into the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in the field of music composition and songwriting. Participants will explore how AI can be used to compose, analyze, and produce music, combining human creativity with machine learning algorithms. The workshop will cover various aspects of AI in music, including the history of computer music, fuzzy logic, neural networks, computational creativity, the current state of AI-driven composition, and a hands-on session in which participants will create their own music using the AI tool of their choice. By the end of the workshop, participants will have a deep understanding of how AI can expand the boundaries of music and provide new opportunities for artistic expression. This workshop is for musicians, composers, and technologists interested in the intersection of music and technology.
Workshop Objectives:
The goal of this workshop is to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to understand the principles behind AI and to utilize some variations of AI in their musical compositions. Participants will gain hands-on experience with the principles of AI in order to create innovative musical works that push the boundaries of traditional composition. The workshop aims to inspire musicians and technologists to explore new creative avenues and understand the impact of AI on the future of music.
Expected outcomes of the workshop:
1. create original musical compositions generated by artificial intelligence.
2. develop collaborative works that incorporate human and AI-generated elements
Enrollment Requirements
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning , Programming Fundamentals, MaxMSP, Julia or Python, PyTorch, Jupyter Notebooks
Class platforms
Feishu, MS Teams
Registration link
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