感谢各位同学的热情参与,今有600余位同学报名了马拉松,涵盖120余所国内外院校。为了保证参与工作坊的老师能指导同学有质量的进行学习,很遗憾不能邀请所有学员加入。未能入选的同学也不必灰心,马拉松提供外卡赛名额,未能入选正式工作坊的同学可以以旁听生的身份对自己感兴趣的工作坊进行学习,详细外卡赛规则请见附件《设计马拉松工作坊说明书 DDM Workshop Brief》。
Thanks for your enthusiastic participation. More than 600 students have signed up for the Design Day Marathon, covering more than 120 domestic and foreign universities. In order to ensure that the workshop tutors can guide the students with high quality, we regret that we cannot invite all students to join. For those who are not selected, the DDM offers a wild card competition. If you fail to be selected into the formal workshop, you can participate in the workshops you are interested in as auditors. Please refer to the attachment DDM Workshop Brief for detailed rules of the wild card competition.
入选学员及有意参加外卡赛的学员请于9月15日12:00前,注册下载工作坊指导平台 lark(https://www.larksuite.com/en_us/download)并点击以下链接进入lark群组,正式组学员进群时需备注“姓名+学校” ,等待工作人员审核通过后方可加入。有意参加外卡赛的学员可直接点击外卡学员群链接入群。
Click the button below to download the list of selected participants. Selected participants and those who want to participate in the wild card competition should register and download the workshop guidance platform lark and click the following link to enter the lark group before September 15, 12:00 cst. For the formal group, please note your name+school and wait for the staff to check before joining. For those who want to join the wild card race, you can join the group directly by clicking on the link to the wild card students group.
2022DDM-正式学员群 / 2022DDM-Formal Participant Group
2022DDM-外卡学员群 / 2022DDM-Wild Card Participant Group
附件 / Attachment:
设计马拉松工作坊说明书 / DDM Workshop Brief