
September 20. 16:00 - 18:00(UTC+08:00)
- 李信谦
- 刘方正
- Steffen P. Walz
Steffen P. Walz博士是大众集团子公司diconium的创新总监,该公司为全球客户提供360°数字转换服务。 Steffen还是澳大利亚斯威本科技大学游戏设计的兼任教授,也是圣加伦大学(CH)的管理,技术与法律行政学院(ES-HSG)的研究员; 过去,他曾担任游戏和实验娱乐实验室(GEElab)的负责人,该实验室在澳大利亚的RMIT大学墨尔本成立,并在德国卡尔斯鲁厄(GEElab Europe)运营。
- Bruce Bateman
未来主义者,量化Self-er,以及3D / AR / VR开发人员和传播者。作为连续企业家超过三十年,Mentor Constant Traveller,Mentor Constant Traveller,Angel Investor,创业顾问,演讲者,Lover of Life。在主要从事生物识别/网络领域的9家初创企业的启动或参与中,成功和失败的经历使Bruce对初创企业世界有了开放和开明的视野。自2004年以来,布鲁斯(Bruce)就参与了3D的开发工作,自2004年以来一直协助其启动3DMax,VR,并进行了政府培训,从2015年开始为Google Glass开发AR。作为Lite-On Technologies的智能生活和应用业务部门的CTO,Bruce专注于互联生活的技术,其中包括各种无线技术。加入Lite-On之前,Bruce曾在Ruckus Wireless,Dell Networking,2Wire,A4Vision等公司工作。目前参与为政府教育部门和MR / 3D开发人员提供有关市场趋势和机遇的建议。客户包括DreamSoft3D(该公司于2005年开始制造3D飞行槽),顾问,负责在光学和系统上建立和启动AR眼镜以及VR硬件开发人员。与欧洲大型电信运营商合作,如何在5G中支持VR,在无绳VR中支持60Ghz无线,在AR中进行数学教学的教育开发商,政府将VR用于嫌疑人整合的情况培训。
- creatables:游戏和体验设计
结合“创意”和“可持续”这两个英文的creatables是由德国政府赞助的创新项目,该项目位于欧洲最强大的创新区巴登-符腾堡州,透过这儿的游戏制造商,UX设计人员和设计学者们共同发起。creatables共同发起人Steffen P. Walz教授将介绍可创造物计划,并且会展示关于健康领域的相应游戏和项目,并邀请大家将creatables计划带入中国。
- 新型态健康照护:以拉法睡眠诊所为例
- 智慧化健康促进场域
行动云端健康平是第14届国家新创奖的得主,包含了相关的软体服务以及云端化的医疗器材、云端化的运动器材。在2020年的今天 , 我们不只以提供平台、软体服务、云端化器材为满足,我们期许自己成为智慧化健康中心(smart wellness center)的内涵提供者,包含智慧化健康中心的运营方法以及不同课程的教学内容。智慧化环状运动器材一套有8台,每台可以锻鍊不同的肌肉部位,其双油压缸的设计非常适合亚健康族、中老年人及女性。这套器材结合了大数据的分析,可以提供使用者的运动成绩,这个成绩是跟云端上跟他同年龄族群的人做一个比较,如果他优於同年龄的平均成绩,那他的分数就比较高。也提供经由大数据分析所计算出来的推荐阻力、推荐速度,提供使用者一个目标去达成。
- 2030年的生活–老年人生活需要挑战与创新
随着出生率下降和人口老龄化,我们需要重新思考如何照顾老年人!过去依靠家庭或护理人员的举措将无法满足2030年的需求。全球化导致我们的“家庭”分布各地,而专业护理人员的成本对于一般人来说太贵了。我们老了后谁来照顾我们?有哪些要求和标准?有人说照护机器人是未来趋势,但是这些机器人到底该怎么设计?是人形机器吗?而设计师如何处理文化差异、社会差异、方言、空间要求等诸多问题?我提出了“智囊团”的机制,其目标是研究和收集新一代住房规范,照护机器人的设计规范,并收集开发新型养老基础设施技术和产品的公司列表。在本次分享中,我将谈谈“信任的组成”这个观点,因为信任是未来透过机器人或人工智能等自动化照护老人的核心设计需求,我们需要将“信任”转变为技术驱使下的计算机算法和传感器组件……Bruce Bateman是个致力于帮助人们过上更好生活的技术开发者和终生发明家。他出生于台湾并旅居全球各地,由于其特殊的背景和个人家庭需求,让他意识到不同文化环境下照顾老人的痛点,这也是导致他致力于解决老龄化生活问题的主要原因。

Not only a good night’s good sleep and regular exercise, games can help you get good health as well!
Will our lifespan be extended more in the next ten years?What is the occupation of user experience designer in the health industry?I am a designer, how can I enter comprehensive health industry?I am a fitness enthusiast, how can I make money through working-out?What profound impact will virtual clinics have on the current medical industry?What is the future relationship between pharmaceutical companies, doctors and pharmacies?How to treat the patient's vital signs and other biological parameter monitoring?Will small startups or large technology companies bring more changes to healthcare?Ever heard the popular saying “health is wealth” ? In reality many people use their health in exchange for wealth, and eventually pay everything to hospitals. We hope that this is not the fate of all hard workers. We will tell you how to use your health to increase your wealth, which is health design! Health design is an interdisciplinary field related to pan-health, and it is also a set of practical methods that focus on the use of design language. Health design is not only based on doctors, but also concerns the needs of users and patients, in order to create the service they want. This can greatly expand the medical field, allow more designers to participate in it, and make the health industry more equipped with a unique innovative design.
Big health, medical innovation, sleep hygiene, game thinking
English Program

September 20. 16:00 - 18:00(UTC+08:00)
Prof. Dr. Ding, Zhaochen, Professor Ding, Director of the New Media Department of Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology and Graduate advisor in Software and Microelectronics of Peking University.He received a Master of Architecture Degree from the University of Texas (1997) and Doctor of Arts from Tsinghua University (2006). He was a Postdoctoral Researcher of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (2010), Global Scholar of the Politecnico di Milano (2016), and leads the Ministry of Education's "Double Ten Thousand Plan"(2020). He is a member of the Mobile Media and Cultural Computing Committee of the Chinese Institute of Communications, researcher in the Game and Experimental Entertainment Lab of Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and a researcher at the Cultural Creative Arts Research Centre of Taiwan Normal University. He has been engaged in the research of digital lifestyle since 2014, offering courses such as "Digital Lifestyle Design", "Digital Lifestyle Research", "Future Design and Smart Life” and "Fashion Media Trend Research”.
- Dr. Lee Hsin-Chien
Dr. Lee serves as the Director of the Department of Psychiatriy and Research Center of Sleep Medicine at Taipei Medical University. He is a Psychiatric and Sleep physician and an active member of the Taipei Society of Sleep Medicine. He currently serves as the Attending Psychiatric at the Department of Psychiatry at Taipei Medical University Hospital. He has published dozens of research papers on Sleep and Psychiatry. In 2020, he established the first and innovative sleep clinic in Taiwan-Rapha Sleep Clinic, which integrated the service of sleep medicine in primary care settings.
- Albert Liu
Founder of Golden Smart Home Technology Corp.
- Steffen P. Walz
Prof. Dr. Steffen P. Walz is Innovation Director at diconium, a Volkswagen Group subsidiary that provides 360° digital transformation services to clients worldwide. Steffen is also Adjunct Professor of Game Design at Swinburne University of Technology in Australia, and fellow at the Executive School of Management, Technology and Law (ES-HSG) at the University of St.Gallen (CH); in the past, he has served as head of the Games & Experimental Entertainment Laboratory (GEElab), which he had founded at Melbourne, Australia's RMIT University, and which also operated in Karlsruhe, Germany as the GEElab Europe.
- Bruce Bateman
Futurist, Quantified Self-er, and 3D/AR/VR developer and evangelist. Over three decades as a Serial Entrepreneur, Mentor Constant Traveler, Angel Investor, Startup Advisor, Speaker, Lover of Life. Having started or been involved early stages of 9 startups mostly in the biometrics / networking space, the experiences of success and failures has given Bruce an open and enlighten view of the startup world. Bruce has been involved in 3D since helping launch 3DMax, VR since 2004 in flythrough and government training and AR since 2015 developing for Google Glass. As CTO for the Smart Life and Applications business group at Lite-On Technologies, Bruce was focused on technologies for Connected life, which includes full spectrum of wireless technologies. Prior to Lite-On, Bruce worked at Ruckus Wireless, Dell Networking, 2Wire, A4Vision and many more.
Currently involved in advising educational departments of governments and MR / 3D developers on market trends and opportunities. Clients have included DreamSoft3D which started doing 3D fly troughs in 2005, Advisor to established and startup AR glasses and VR hardware developers on optics and systems. Worked with large European telecom carriers on how to support VR in 5G, 60Ghz wireless for cordless VR, education developers for math in AR, Government in using VR for situation training for integration of suspects
- creatables: Games, UX & Co. To Attain Sustainable Development Goals, And Nothing Less
The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all – so what if we considered SDGs such as „Climate Action“ or „Good Health and Well-Being“ not a threat, but design opportunities to drive creative as well as social, ecological and, yes: economic value; and what if game and experience design, each at the forefront of digital culture and technology, were considered solution enablers and cross-innovation catalysts to help attain the SDGs?
This is the hypothesis, and approach, of a newly found initiative based in Germany, called creatables. creatables – combining „creative“ and „sustainable“ – has been recently co-founded by seasoned game makers, UX designers and design academics, and is being sponsored by the government agency https://www.mfg.de, the media funding agency of Germany’s southwestern state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, one of Europe's strongest innovation regions.Prof. Dr. Steffen P. Walz, initiator and co-founder of creatables, will be introducing the creatables initiative, will showcase corresponding games and UX examples from the fields of health and well-being in specific, will talk about the upcoming creatables Online conference on October 15, 2020 as well as the unique creatables Design Sprint workshop format, and will invite the audience to discuss how the creatables initiative could be brought to China.
- Innovative Health Care Delivery: Using Rapha Sleep Clinic as an Example
The World Health Organisation issued a draft Global Strategy on Digital Health for 2020–2024 last year. The use and scale up of digital health solutions can revolutionise how people worldwide achieve higher standards of health, access services to promote and protect their health and well-being, and provide opportunities to accelerate our progress in attaining health and well-being related Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs). Smarter, more connected, and more efficient digital innovations need to be integrated with the healthcare industry, as well as clinics. How to plan and implement innovative clinics?One way in which this it’s been done is the first new type of sleep specialist clinic "Rapha Sleep Clinic" in Taiwan
- Smart Health Promotion
Golden Smart Technology is the winner of the 14th National Innovation Award. Our award-winning projects mainly concern mobile cloud health platforms, including: the software services related; cloud-based medical equipment; and cloud-based sports equipment. Today in 2020, we not only provide platforms, software services, and cloud-based equipment but expect ourselves to be the provider of smart wellness centers, including the operation methods and different courses of smart wellness centers.
There are 8 sets of our intelligent circular sports equipment, each of which can exercise different parts of muscles. Its double hydraulic cylinder design is very suitable for sub-healthy, middle-aged and elderly people and women. This set of equipment combines big data analysis to provide the score of the user's sports performance, which can be compared with people of the same age group on the cloud. If he/ she is better than the average score of the same age, his score will be relatively high. It also provides recommended resistance and recommended speed calculated through big data analysis, setting users a goal to achieve.
- Living in 2030 – Challenges and Innovation needed for Elderly Living
As the world population ages and birth rates decline who and how the elderly population will be cared for needs to be rethought. Relying on family or professional care givers will not meet the needs in 2030. Family’s will be in diverse locations and the cost of professional care givers will be too high for most citizens. Who will take care of us? What are the requirements and standards needed? We must begin with changes to real estate construction and drive changes through to medical care changes. It is quite easy to say that a robot will care for you but what are the details of that robot? Is it humanoid? What are the cultural differences, social differences, language, dialects, space requirements, task requirements? The objective of this Think Tank is to study and gather the requirements for a new generation of housing specifications, autonomous companion care (robots), gather a list of companies developing technologies and products that support the new infrastructure for elderly care.
In this talk will outline the components of trust, as trust is the core requirement of autonomous care giving. Trust that must be turned into algorithms and sensors and components… into physical devices. From vision to speech to physical movement, years of research and designing needs to be done. Thinking about the details, from how we dress to how we consume medicine all need to be rethought.
This project is just starting, and we welcome you to participate in submitting your ideas, thoughts, and designs to our community.
Bruce Bateman is a researcher and lifelong inventor of technologies that help people live a better life. Born in Taiwan and lived in many countries and viewing how different cultures take care of their elderly has made this his personal venture into working on this problem. Many communities and companies are looking or developing products for elderly living but in Asia we tend to look to governments or traditional family structures for support, but the children to elderly ratio will force change, we just need to be ready
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