15分钟生活圈工作坊群(线上) / 15-Minutes Circle of Life Workshop Groups

· 2023设计马拉松
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高原 南京信息工程大学艺术学院设计艺术系 副教授
马官正 南京信息工程大学艺术学院数字媒体艺术系讲师
蔡智勇 南京审计大学心理健康教育教学部主任,国家级平台“长三角社会救助援助公共服务平台”执行主任

杨絮 南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院讲师
孙欣 视觉设计师、插画师、设计策展人。南京凯欣文化传媒有限公司项目主管
徐成兴 视觉设计师、韩国成均馆大学设计学博士


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时尚设计 、视觉设计 、产品设计 、交互设计 、影视动画、服务设计 、文旅设计





3. 共创讨论:小组成员分享收集到的信息,共同分析问题和挑战,并共同构思解决方案,鼓励创新和多元化的思考。

4. 可持续性考量:引导参与者思考未来变化,如人口增长、技术进步等因素对设计方案的影响,并确保项目的可持续性。

5. 设计方案展示:每个小组展示他们共创的设计方案,并经过集体讨论和反馈,进一步完善和优化方案。



1. 制定出以人为本的创新设计方案,使相关居民更加便利、舒适和健康。

2. 强调共创设计的价值,鼓励社区成员积极参与和推动可持续的城市规划和发展。

3. 建立可持续性的设计理念,确保项目长期运作和不断适应未来的需求。



1. 理解"15分钟生活圈"的概念与重要性,以人的需求为中心,为社区创造更便利、健康、绿色的生活环境。

2. 学习和探讨共创设计的方法与技巧,激发多样化的创意和智慧,将各方资源和想法融入最终设计方案中。

3. 着眼于项目可持续性,考虑未来变化和需求,以确保设计方案在长期内对社区有积极影响。

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高原 南京信息工程大学艺术学院设计艺术系 副教授
马官正 南京信息工程大学艺术学院数字媒体艺术系讲师





视觉设计 、产品设计 、交互设计 、服务设计 、文旅设计



1. 理解"15分钟生活圈"理念,将社区居民的需求置于核心位置,以提升居民的生活质量为目标。
2. 基于石家庄桥西区利航观棠小区的情况,探讨如何优化目标空间的规划与设计,创造更便利、健康和宜居的居住环境。
3. 强调共创设计的重要性,鼓励社区居民、政府部门和设计专业人士积极参与,集思广益,共同推动项目的实现。

1. 案例研究:介绍石家庄项目的基本情况,特别关注桥西区利航观棠小区的地理位置、周边资源以及现有的社区设施和服务,为工作坊提供背景资料。
2. 问题发现:分组走访利航观棠小区,观察并记录当前存在的问题和挑战,例如交通流通、公共空间利用等,以及居民的期望和需求。
3. 共创讨论:小组成员分享对利航观棠小区的观察和思考,展开讨论,集思广益,共同构思解决方案,注重创新和可持续性。
4. 设计方案制定:在小组合作的基础上,每个小组制定出针对小区改善的设计方案,并考虑社区公建房面积的合理利用。
5. 方案展示与完善:每个小组展示他们的设计方案,接受其他参与者的反馈和建议,共同完善和优化最终方案。



1. 制定出以人为本的公共空间设计方案,提升利航观棠小区及周围居民的公共服务环境和生活品质。

2. 强调共创设计的价值,让社区居民、政府部门和设计专业人士共同参与,共同创造出可持续发展的社区。

3. 鼓励在其他项目中推广类似的共创设计理念,促进更多社区的可持续发展。

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高原 南京信息工程大学艺术学院设计艺术系 副教授

蔡智勇 南京审计大学心理健康教育教学部主任,国家级平台“长三角社会救助援助公共服务平台”执行主任















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工作坊(3):City walk - 面向城市漫游者的设计工作坊


杨絮 南京理工大学设计艺术与传媒学院讲师
孙欣 视觉设计师、插画师、设计策展人。南京凯欣文化传媒有限公司项目主管
徐成兴 视觉设计师、韩国成均馆大学设计学博士


马官正 南京信息工程大学艺术学院数字媒体艺术系讲师







City Walk是一种属于年轻人的田野调查,是重新认识生活,认识城市、对城市人文历史的一种探索。希望参与此课题的每位预备设计师们在工作坊中可以面向城市漫游者展开以City Walk为主题的设计实践,帮助城市漫游者在感兴趣的起点与目的地之间行走,或有计划地完成某项任务,或像开盲盒一样带来意想不到的体验。让每位喜欢在城市间行走的使用者通过我们的设计作品去了解城市的历史、文化、地理、风俗等。同时,还希望这次的设计实践不仅仅是提供了一个可行的方案,而是通过实践深入挖掘设计可以为城市带来更具独特的价值和意义,让年轻人重新审视生活和城市,感受城市文化的魅力,引导大众了解更多探索城市的有趣方法。





会使用Touch Designer等数字化交互工具


腾讯会议(Voov Meeting)

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Gao Yuan, Associate Professor, Department of Design Art, College of Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

Ma Guanzheng, Lecturer, Department of Digital Media Art, College of Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

Cai Zhiyong, Director, Department of Mental Health Education, Nanjing Audit University

Yang Xu, Lecturer, School of Design, Art and Media, Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Sun Xin, Visual designer, illustrator, design curator. Project Supervisor of Nanjing Kaixin Culture Media Co., Ltd.

Xu Chengxing, Visual Designer, Ph.D. in Design, Sungkyunkwan University

Language: Chinese

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Instructing Institutions and Websites

Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology


Nanjing Audit University


Nanjing University of Science and Technology



Space Design, Sustainable Design, Service Design, Game Design

Professional direction

Space Design, Sustainable Design, Service Design, Game Design

Topic Description

The "15-minute living circle" is an urban planning concept that aims to make it possible for residents of urban communities to meet most of their daily needs for food, clothing, housing, transport, education and recreation within walking or cycling distance.

Workshop Group Introduction: 15-Minute Living Circle Design Workshop
This workshop is based on the theme of "15-minute living circle", and is committed to human-centred design, integrating relevant stakeholders into the design process, so that the design project can be grounded and sustainable.
1. Understand the concept and meaning of "15-minute living circle", and encourage participants to share their visions and expectations of an ideal living environment.
2. Participants will be divided into small groups to visit the neighbourhood, observe the environment and the lives of the residents, and collect data and opinions in order to gain a deeper understanding of the local needs. 3.
3. Co-creation discussion: Group members will share the information collected, analyse the problems and challenges together, and jointly conceptualise solutions, encouraging innovative and diversified thinking.
4. Sustainability Consideration: Participants are guided to think about the impact of future changes, such as population growth and technological advances, on the design solutions and to ensure the sustainability of the project.
5. Presentation of design solutions: Each group will present their co-created design solutions, which will be further refined and optimised through collective discussion and feedback.

Expected Outcome:
Through this workshop cluster, we hope to achieve the following outcomes:
1. develop innovative human-centred design solutions that are more convenient, comfortable and healthy for the residents concerned.
2. to emphasise the value of co-creative design and encourage community members to actively participate in and contribute to sustainable urban planning and development.
3. to establish sustainable design concepts to ensure the long-term operation of the project and its continuous adaptation to future needs.
We look forward to working together in this workshop to create a better future living environment.

Workshop Objectives
1. Understand the concept and importance of "15-minute living circle", and create a more convenient, healthy and green living environment for the community by focusing on human needs.
2. to learn and explore the methods and techniques of co-creation design, to stimulate diversified creativity and wisdom, and to integrate the resources and ideas of various parties into the final design scheme.
3. to consider future changes and needs with a view to sustainability to ensure that the design solution will have a positive impact on the community in the long term.

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Workshop (1): Future community design based on 15-minute living circle - Lihang Guantang Community as a Design Model


Gao Yuan, Associate Professor, Department of Design Art, College of Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

Ma Guanzheng, Lecturer, Department of Digital Media Art, College of Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

Language: Chinese


15-minute Living Circle, Future Community, Space and Service Design, Design Co-creation of RelevantInterest Groups, Sustainable Design

Professional direction

Visual design, product design, interaction design, service solutions, cultural and tourism products

Topic Description

The "15-minute Life Circle" is an urban planning concept whose goal is to provide residents of urban communities with access to most of their daily needs, such as food, shelter, transportation and recreation, within walking or bicycle distance.

The task of this workshop will be designed based on actual projects, and the design object is Lihang Guantang Community, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province.

This workshop will be based on the basic situation of Lihang Guantang Community in Shijiazhuang, focusing on the users of relevant interest groups in the community, practicing the people-oriented design concept, and jointly creating a feasible and sustainable future community design plan.

Workshop objectives:

1. Understand the concept of "15-minute Life Circle", put the needs of community residents at the core, and aim to improve the quality of life of residents.

2. Based on the situation of Lihang Guantang Community in Qiaoxi District, Shijiazhuang, discuss how to optimize the planning and design of the target space and create a more convenient, healthy and livable living environment.

3. Emphasize the importance of co-creation of design, encourage community residents, government departments and design professionals to actively participate, brainstorm and jointly promote the realization of the project.

Workshop objectives:

1. Case study: Introduce the basic situation of the Shijiazhuang project, pay special attention to the geographical location, surrounding resources, and existing community facilities and services of Lihang Guantang Community in Qiaoxi District, and provide background information for the workshop.

2. Problem discovery: Visit Lihang Guantang community in groups to observe and record current problems and challenges, such as traffic circulation, public space utilization, etc., as well as residents' expectations and needs.

3. Co-creation discussion: Group members share their observations and thoughts on the Lihang Guantang community, discuss, brainstorm, and jointly conceive solutions, focusing on innovation and sustainability.

4. Formulation of design plans: On the basis of group cooperation, each group will formulate a design plan for the improvement of the community, and consider the rational use of the area of public housing in the community.

5. Proposal display and perfection: Each team presents their design proposals, accepts feedback and suggestions from other participants, and jointly improves and optimizes the final scheme.

Expecting output content

Through this workshop group, we hope to achieve the following results:

1. Formulate a people-oriented public space design plan to improve the public service environment and quality of life of Lihang Guantang Community and surrounding residents.

2. Emphasize the value of co-creation design, let community residents, government departments and design professionals participate together to create a sustainable community.

3. Encourage the promotion of similar co-creation design concepts in other projects to promote the sustainable development of more communities.

Class platforms

Tencent Meeting (Voov Meeting)

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Workshop (2): Live a good life in Meiyuan, build together with "Ning(Nanjing's Abbreviation)"----Nanjing Child-Friendly City Implements the Local Design of Xiameiyuan New Village Street Area


Gao Yuan, Associate Professor, Department of Design Art, College of Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

Cai Zhiyong, Director, Department of Mental Health Education, Nanjing Audit University

Language: Chinese


15-minute Living Circle, Future Community, Space and Service Design, Design Co-creation of RelevantInterest Groups, Sustainable Design

Professional direction

Visual design, product design, interaction design, service solutions, cultural and tourism products

Topic Description

Live a good life in Meiyuan, build together with "Ning(Nanjing's Abbreviation)"----Nanjing Child-Friendly City Implements the Local Design of Xiameiyuan New Village Street Area

Aiming at the scope of Meiyuan New Village Street in Nanjing, the local research and design ideas based on culture, tourism, life, education, creativity and integration are carried out. Further continue the "Ning" community building activities based on community building, child-friendly, ecological learning, green Nanjing and other related activities that have been continuously carried out in this area since 2021.

Workshop objectives:

The workshop aims to combine the concept of Nanjing's child-friendly city with the rich historical relic resources of Meiyuan New Village, and explore how to create a community suitable for children's growth and development through local design. We hope to be child-centered, paying attention to children's needs, rights and participation, and creating a safe, friendly and fun living environment.

Workshop content:

1-Share the background and core concepts of the concept of child-friendly cities.

2-Investigate the current situation and resources of Meiyuan New Village community.

3- Explore the possibility of local design, including public space, children's activity area, traffic planning, etc.

4- Encourage participants to put forward ideas and suggestions to jointly create a more livable community.

Class platforms

Tencent Meeting (Voov Meeting)

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Workshop (3): City walk -15 minute gamified design for city wanderers


Yang Xu, Lecturer, School of Design, Art and Media, Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Sun Xin, Visual designer, illustrator, design curator. Project Supervisor of Nanjing Kaixin Culture Media Co., Ltd.

Xu Chengxing, Visual Designer, Ph.D. in Design, Sungkyunkwan University

Language: Chinese


City Visit, Social Communication, Game Design, City Impression, Digital Media

Professional direction

Visual design, product design, service solutions, cultural tourism products

Topic Description

City Walk is a kind of fieldwork for young people. It is a new understanding of life, understanding of the city, and an exploration of the human history of the city. We hope that all potential designers can carry out the design practice with the theme of City Walk for urban roamers in the workshop, helping urban roamers walk between the starting point and destination of interest, or complete a certain task in a planned way, or bring an unexpected experience like opening a blind box. Let every user who likes to walk between cities understand the city's history, culture, geography, customs, etc. through our design works. We also hope that the design practice this time not only provides a feasible solution, but also can bring more unique value and meaning to our city through in-depth excavation of design through practice, so that young people can re-examine life and city, and experience urban culture and the charm of the city, guides the public to learn more interesting ways to explore the city.

Enrollment Requirements

Experience in developing game applets

Trainees who can produce promotional videos,

digital interaction tools such as Touch Designer

Class platforms

Tencent Meeting (Voov Meeting)

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On this website, we used some images from the internet. We didn’t manage to get permission from all the owners due to communication channels. We apologise to the owners of the pictures. These images were never used in any profitable way. Please contact us if you need to removed the images!